Week 2 — Juggling begins

2 min readDec 6, 2020

[Insert picture here]

Overall Sentiment:

Feeling a bit stressed, but still learning from what happened this week. While I had less work, life & weekend work piled on in ways that I didn’t anticipate.

What went well?

I was able to get some work done during the week. I was able to complete most of Week 5 of Crash Course on Python, but probably can be improved. I’m finding that it’s better for me to read or listen to videos during the weekday rather than solving problems. Week 5 is going over Classes & Object-Oriented programming. While this section was optional in the class, I believe it’s critical to know going forward.

Additionally, I did find a treasure trove of PDFs on topics ranging from Python to Data Science, but I would say finding these resources was a double-edge sword.

What didn’t go as well?

Let’s just say I predictably didn’t manage my time as well as I would have liked. During the week, while I kept at the lessons, but making progress felt like a slog.

When it came to the weekend, I still wanted to balance family time and work time. While I wanted to make it work, I realize that I was holding it all in and just being a bit more overly optimistic about what I can do and can’t do. Additionally, I should have communicated with others on what’s on my plate so that I can also get help to manage my time better.

Regarding that double-edge sword I referenced above, I probably wasted an additional 2–3 hours saving & bookmarking these resources. While I know they will be helpful down the line, I think time could have been better used to do some Python studying rather than resource gathering. It’s a matter of prioritizing my effort properly.

Action items/Next Steps:

Few takeaways for next week:

  • First and foremost, communicate my schedule, self-expectations, and what’s on my plate to others. I take full responsibility of mismanaging the time and I’ll take steps to iterate on this next week. Making it clear to others what my schedule is will help me manage my time and make sure I don’t take it out on others due to the stress I built up for myself.
  • Do more readings & videos during the week, but bookmark problems to do if I don’t have enough energy.
  • Resist the urge to look for new resources. They won’t help until I actually get the time to read or review them completely. Downloading them doesn’t mean I have the knowledge.
  • I need to find a way to deal with my weekend work.

Until next week…

